
Thursday May 27, 2010

Thursday May 20, 2010
Episode 36-- Finding Ease
Thursday May 20, 2010
Thursday May 20, 2010
The Yoga Sutras say very little about the physical practice, asana. What they do say, however, reveals that to find one's self in the posture (asana, which translates literally to "seat"), one must embody both effort and ease. So often, we neglect the ease. We decide that effort requires more obvious work, so it must be superior. But establishing ease in the posture (on and off the mat) is infinitely more difficult. When we are straining less, we are more susceptible to the thoughts that arise in moments of quiet. Whether you are a new or veteran student, I invite you to approach this sequence (about 25 minutes) with ease: hold your body at ease, let your breath flow easily in and out of the body and go easy on yourself when thoughts arise. I do hope you love this practice.
My dears, I thank you so so much for joining me on this podcast journey. I appreciate your support and hope you will get in touch with your yoga stories. {Hello to Patrizia in Switzerland! Thank you for the email! Welcome back Peggy!!}
Dears, if you listen to this podcast and enjoy it, I hope you'll consider supporting me by writing a review in iTunes. Thank you!
Blessings of love.
Photos of the Postures are available in this photoset. (or click- through the photo below)

Thursday May 13, 2010
Episode 35-- SHINE! A look at Aparigraha.
Thursday May 13, 2010
Thursday May 13, 2010
Blessings, dears.
This is episode 35 of the Sunrose Yoga Podcast with me, Kelly Connor. Today’s class is about 40 minutes long, all levels. Our philosophical focus of this class is aparigraha, non-possessiveness—one of the yamas. I’ve been writing and talking about aparigraha quite a bit lately. You can learn more about it at here on my blog, where I’m also in my last leg of the 30 day video blogging challenge.
Thank you all so so much for listening. I appreciate your support and offer this practice up to you with deep gratitude. I just read the most wonderful tweet from Deepak Chopra and feel it’s most appropriate given my feelings about this podcast:
I make my vocation my vacation. I know that I am following my bliss when my work is an act of love and devotion. Every day is a joy to live!
I actually have a bit of embarrassing news: I have been giving out the wrong phone number for months…on accident! My google voice message line is ACTUALLY 503-583-2599. Please call. I update the outgoing message with something new all of the time~~ You don’t even need to leave a message, you can just call to listen.
Email me: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Twitter: twitter.com/yoginiinthehood
Web: www.sunroseyoga.com
Also, I have a teeny favor, since my birthday is coming up in June. If you enjoy the podcast, could you take a moment to write a review of it in iTunes? That would be fantastic! Thank you.
And so, with that. I wish you peace on your path, love in your heart, and light in your eyes until we meet again and always, Namaste.
Photos of the asanas are available in this photo-set.
Today’s Chant is the Lakshmi Mantra: Om Shreem Mahalakshmeyei Namaha.

Soft side stretches.
Sukhasana fold.
Adho mukha svanasana (down-dog).
Twisting lunge.
Adho mukha svanasana (down-dog).
Virabhadrasana i (warrior i), Parsvottanasana (intense stretch), Parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle).
Adho mukha svanasana (down-dog).
Koala bear (twisted down-dog).
Squat, utkatasana (lightning bolt).
Ardha bhekasana (half frog).
Dolphin, 1-leg dolphin.
Eka pada kapotasana (pigeon).
Paripurna navasana (boat).
Setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge), Urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow).
Reclined leg stretch.
Windshield wiper legs.

Tuesday May 04, 2010
Episode 34-- Spaces in Time
Tuesday May 04, 2010
Tuesday May 04, 2010
Jai! Yogis.
Welcome you to Episode 34 of the Sunrose Yoga Podcast. Today’s class is a live recording from an hour-long level 2 class where we turn our attention to the spaces between—spaces between movements, spaces between breaths, spaces between thoughts. This begins with a strong flow and works into some arm balances and inversions. I hope you love it!
There were technical difficulties with last week’s video class. If you haven’t been able to watch this 30 minute video class, please visit my blog—sunroseyoga.wordpress.com to view that class.
I thank you all so much for your support. Thank you Cathy and Sandra!
Please connect:
Email: sunroseyoga@gmail.com
Voice: (503) 523-2599
Twitter: http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood
Wishing you peace. & LOVE. On your path.Always.

Beautiful seat.
Chakravakasana (table).
Adho mukha svanasana (down-dog).
3-leg dog with hip peel.
Anjaneyasana (crescent lunge).
Plank, floor, bhujangasana (cobra).
Uttanasana (forward fold).
Chaturanga dandasana (4-limbed staff).
Utkatasana (fierce, chair…lightning BOLT)
Urdhva mukha svanasana (up-dog).
Parivrtta utkatasana (twisted lightning).
Virabhadrasana I (warrior i).
Parsvottanasana (extreme stretch).
Parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle).
Salabhasana (locust).
Vasisthasana (peaceful sage…side plank).
Anjaneyasana, twisted anjaneyasana, lizard, twisted lizard mermaid.
Bhakasana (crow/crane) & baby Crow.
Sirsasana I (headstand).
Sarvangasana (shoulderstand).
Halasana (plough).
Matsyasana (fish).
Setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge).
Urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow).
Jathara parivarthanasana (hip rolls).
Savasana (restful corpse).

Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
Episode 32--Forever Dance
Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
Hello. Welcome loves.
Today’s class is 30 minutes and a strong level one-two. We practice headstand/ sirsasana, which I recommend doing for the first time with a teacher in class or by checking out my sirsasana video online. Please exercise caution on your neck and do not practice if you have glaucoma, vertigo, a headache or sinus pressure. If you are expecting a baby, only practice headstand if it’s something you’ve practiced pre-pregnancy with some regularity. Always listen to your body and use good judgment when attempting postures.
Photos of the postures are all available in this photoset.
The poem by Hafiz in this class is “Forever Dance,” and is available in the compilation I heard God Laughing.
I love hearing from you, dear listeners. Please do get in touch: my email is sunroseyoga @gmail.com, my google voice voicemail number is 503-523-2599, or leave a comment at my website or blog, or a review in iTunes.
Thank you for your support of the podcast. Thank you Armina!!
- My video blogging project is in full-swing, stop by the blog to check it out. So far, I’ve discussed what yoga is, we’ve learned pose mechanics for a few foundational poses, and I’ve talked a bit about yoga burnout. Check it out at the Sunrose Yoga Blog.
- Sunday afternoons at Community Fitness are in full-swing. All-levels, hatha flow class at 4:30pm. $9.80 for an hour-long class. 2113 ne 65th street.
Blessings of love and joy to you all.
Asanas: ***view photos HERE. ***
& view video of warm-ups here.
Rolling table.
Adho mukha svanasana.
Uttanasana. Swinging uttanasana.
Ardha uttanasana.
Utthita parsvakonasana.
Virabhadrasana ii.
Urdhva mukha svanasana.
Adho mukha svanasana.
Twisted dog.
Utthita Parsvakonasana.
Virabhadrasana ii.
Ardha uttanasana.
Prasarita Padottanasana (hands on hips).
Dolphin. Dolphin-kiss.
Wide-knee Balasana.
Forearm plank. Foot rock + roll.
Wide-knee balasana.
Setu bandha sarvangasana.

Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Episode 31--The Miracle of Mindfulness
Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Blessings, dear Yogis.
Sending you LOVE from Seattle and much gratitude for your support of the podcast. Today’s class is 60 minutes in length and is a level 1-2 class. Thank you for joining the class! I am grateful that you share your practice with me.
If you enjoy this podcast, please consider writing us a review in iTunes. This helps get the word out about the Sunrose Yoga Community~~ and we want to share the yoga!
- My month of video-blogging has begun. It’s day 3—check it out at sunroseyoga.wordpress.com. I’m sharing yoga tips, philosophy nuggets, chants, and some mini-interviews.
- If you are curious about the difference between cobra & upward dog, check out DAY 2!!
- Seattle yogis, Sunday 4:30pm, I’m teaching at Community Fitness in Ravenna. All-levels, hatha flow. 2113 ne 65th street.
- Hello to my Kasey and to Michael. Hello to Anne!
Tell your yoga stories, ask questions, Connect:
Email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Voicemail: 503-523-2599
Twitter: @yoginiinthehood
Blog: www.sunroseyoga.wordpress.com
Again, I am so grateful for your support of this podcast—simply by listening you are sending a bit of your love!
MUSIC in this class is by Deva Premal, Massage Zen Garden, and Natural Massage.
Asanas (Postures)~~ View photos of asanas by visiting this photoset. Tall seat~ Chakravakasana vinyasa (chakravakasana, bhaktasana, adho mukha svanasana) Adho mukha svanasana Deep lunge Uttanasana-to-Monkey x 3 Utkatasana Plank, Bhujangasana Ardha uttanasana Anjaneyasana Urdhva mukha svanasana Parivrtta anjaneyasana Parivrtta adho mukha svanasana Virabhadrasana i Salabhasana, variations. Vrksasana Octopus Natarajasana Prasarita Padottanasana. Heart like a wheel. Wide down-dog. Horse. Malasana. Pasasana. Paripurna Navasana. Marichyasana i. Ardha Matsyendrasana. Viparita karani. Sarvangasana. Halasana. Matsyasana (supported). Jathara Parivarthanasana. Savasana.
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Episode 29--Spring Sensations
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Namaste, dear YOGIS.
Email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} comVoice: 503 523 2599Twitter: yoginiinthehoodWeb: www.sunroseyoga.comBlog: www.sunroseyoga.wordpress.comALL LOVE,

Thursday Mar 25, 2010
Episode 28--Spring Santosha
Thursday Mar 25, 2010
Thursday Mar 25, 2010
Blessings, dear yogis.

Please get in touch with your yoga stories!
Email: sunroseyoga at gmail dot com
Voice: 503 523 2599
Twitter: yoginiinthehood
{p.s. sorry there are no photos today, you can view photos of many asanas here on my flickr page.}

Friday Mar 12, 2010
Episode 27-- Half hour of GRACE
Friday Mar 12, 2010
Friday Mar 12, 2010
Blessings, dear yogis.
Today we have a short & sweet class for you. A complete practice in thirty minutes feels like magic, so I hope you enjoy this.This level 2 class was made at the suggestion of one of our wonderful listeners, Peggy! Thanks for the support and feedback. You may notice this episode moves more quickly through poses. If you are looking for a longer practice, I invite you to explore the library of previous podcasts on iTunes or at www.sunroseyoga.com-- where you can also view photos of the postures.
LOVE to you.
Thank you so much for spending this time on the mat with Sunrose Yoga Podcast. I so appreciate your support. Also, I LOVE to hear/read your yoga stories... so share them! All love, KellyEmail: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Voice: 503 523 2599
Twitter: yoginiinthehood
Asana: Vajrasana (thunder bolt). Chakravakasana vinyasa.

OM. Shanti! OM.

Saturday Mar 06, 2010
Episode 26-- Contentment
Saturday Mar 06, 2010
Saturday Mar 06, 2010
Namaste, dear yogis.
I hope you are enjoying every breath this week. Thank you so much for joining me for the Sunrose Yoga Podcast. In this episode, we begin to play with the concept of santosha (contentment), which is one of the niyamas (personal observances) described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
II:42 From an attitude of contentment (santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy, and satisfaction is obtained.
Please get in touch with your yoga stories!
Email: sunroseyoga at gmail dot com
Voice: 503 523 2599
Twitter: yoginiinthehood
Tall seat.
Chakravakasana. Bhaktasana. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Knees. Belly. Chest. Lower.
Bhujangasana. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Uttanasana. Ardha Uttanasana.
Standing split.
Plank. Chaturanga dandasana. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.
Virabhadrasana I. Virabhadrasana II. Utthita Parsvakonasana. Trikonasana.
Virabhadrasana III. Ardha Chandrasana. Ardha Chapasana. Standing split.
Wild thing.
Anjaneyasana. Parivrtta anjaneyasana. Lizard. Twisted Lizard.
Sarvangasana. Halasana. Matsyasana. Apanasana.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. Urdhva Dhanurasana.
Jathara Parivarthanasana.