
Thursday Feb 25, 2010
Episode 25--Flow Like Water
Thursday Feb 25, 2010
Thursday Feb 25, 2010
Hello hello, dear yogis.
Thank you so much for joining me for Episode 25 of the Sunrose Yoga Podcast. Today’s episode features an hour-long, level 2 class exploring our relationship with resistance. I hope you love it.
You may have heard the expression that your nature isn't revealed by what happens to you, but how you respond. In today's class, we explore the idea of softening into resistance...in the hope of turning perceived obstacles into inspirations!
I’m adding two public classes to my schedule next week at a brand new studio—Yoon’s Yoga Bliss in North Seattle (15823 Westminster Way North-- near Paper Zone). In honor of the grand opening, I’ll be teaching a free 90 minute class Friday night at 5:45pm—come join me!
Thank you Karyn for your kind words about the podcast. I appreciate your energy!
All of you, thanks for your emails, comments on the blog, and donations. If you have a minute, please review me in iTunes!! I love it!
Music in this podcast comes from 1000psi, courtesy of Mevio Music Alley. For more by 1000psi, visit music alley.com
Get in touch via twitter, voicemail, email, whatever.
Email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Voice: 503-523-2599
Twitter: yoginiinthehood
LOVE to you!

Wednesday Feb 17, 2010
Episode 24-- JOY to the Fishes!
Wednesday Feb 17, 2010
Wednesday Feb 17, 2010
Blessings, dear yogis.
Thank you so much for joining the SUNROSE SANGA for Episode 24 of the podcast. This is a full-length class where we tap into the intention behind the chant we learned last week (om namah shivaya)—we connect with the divine JOY that already exists within us. I hope you LOVE it!
Please get in touch with your yoga stories!
Email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Voicemail: (503) 523-2599
Twitter: http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood

Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Episode 23-- Om Namah Shivaya
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Namaste, dear Yogis!
Episode 23 is a vid-cast featuring one powerful mantra. Keeping with our Shiva theme, join me as I chant Om Namah Shivaya (I bow to the divine within).
What it means (in a nutshell):
OM (A-U-M) represents the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep, the three levels of gross, subtle, causal, and the three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious, as well as the three universal processes of coming, being, and going. Absolute silence beyond the three levels is the silence after AUM.
Namah/Namaha: Devotion, adoration, LOVE. Everything is ONE... consciousness...divinity.
Shivaya/Shiva: The absolute reality that remains (the Self, pure consciousness) that remains after all that is transcient has fallen away.
Thank you for your support, your emails, your donations, the Sweet energy you send to our Sunrose Yoga Sanga (community).
Please do connect if you have a question, suggestion, or story about your yoga practice.
Jai Ma!
Email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Voicemail: (503) 583-2599
Twitter: http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood

Thursday Feb 04, 2010
Episode 22-- Presenting...SHIVA!
Thursday Feb 04, 2010
Thursday Feb 04, 2010
Blessings of peace and love, dear ones.
Today's episode is a full-length, live class focusing on Shiva. Forget what you think you may know about Shiva and let consciousness destroy what stands between you and LIBERATION! For the next few classes, I will weave stories and meditations about this venerable figure into our asana practice. My favorite Shiva stories will begin to pop up in classes in the next few weeks. For more on Shiva, I recommend Nothing Exists That Is Not Shiva (a compilation & commentaries on the Guru Gitta, Shiva Sutras & Vijnana Bhairava) and for more stories, I LOVE Ganesha Goes to Lunch.
Music in this class is Ganesh Mantra by Kedar Pandit & Sanjeev Abhyankar.
Intro music was made possible my Mevio's Music Alley and is by Al Phillip & the Woo Team.
Blessings of LOVE + transformation.
Please connect:
email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail dot com.
voice mail: (503) 583 2599
twitter: yoginiinthehood.
Chakravakasana. Bhaktasana. Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Episode 21-- Yoga Sutra 1.2
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Namaste, dear Yogis.
Sending you blessings of peace + compassion wherever you are. Today’s episode is our first discussion of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The translation I am teaching from today is by Mukunda Stiles.
I appreciate all of your support immensely and thank all of you for spreading the word about the podcast and my public classes.
Please email me! sunroseyoga {at} gmail dot com.
Please leave me a voice mail! (503) 583 2599
Please follow me on twitter at yoginiinthehood.
All love. Always.
The Sutras
Atha Yoganusasanam.
With Great LOVE and respect, now the blessings of Yoga instruction are offered.
Yogah citta vrtti nirodhah.
Yoga is experienced in that mind which has ceased to identify itself with its vacillating waves of perception.
For more on the Yoga Sutras, read these blog posts.

Thursday Jan 21, 2010
Episode 20--Into the Stillness
Thursday Jan 21, 2010
Thursday Jan 21, 2010
Blessings of LOVE + LIGHT, dear yogis.
Thank you for joining me for episode 20 of the Sunrose Yoga Podcast. Today’s episode features a full length, all levels class where we begin with a warming yang practice and work into a yin series intended to stimulate our stomach and kidneys.
Blessings to you all.
I thank you all so much for your emails, tweets, and comments. Thank you Trina and maria for your emails! Thank you Nicole, La Belle Lumiere, & Curavtude for your sweet tweets!
Please connect:
Email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Voice message: 503-583-2599
Twitter: yoginiinthehood
Music in this podcast was made possible by mevio music alley—and featured Douglas Spotted Eagle.
chakra vakasana
adho mukha svanasana
chandra namaskar (hasta tadasana, uttanasana, ardha uttanasana, uttanasana, anjaneyasana, adho mukha svanasana, plank, chaturanga dandasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, adho mukha svanasana, uttanasana, ardha uttanasana, uttanasana, hasta tadasana, tadasana).
parivrtta anjaneyasana. virabhadrasana i. virabhadrasana ii. reverse warrior. utthita parsvakonasana. vasistasana. wild thing.
twisted child's pose.
sphynx or seal.
child's pose.
seated forward fold.
bound fish.

Thursday Jan 14, 2010
Episode 19--New Breath. New You.
Thursday Jan 14, 2010
Thursday Jan 14, 2010
Hello loves! I hope this episode finds you well, swell, and deep in love with your practice. If not, then you have all of my wishes of peace to you. This episode features a full-length, intention-inspired class perfect for the level 2 yogi (not too much by way of detailed instructions on getting into the postures, but lots of detailed subtle anatomy in the postures). Thank you so so much for your support. I am grateful for each and every one of you and the kindness you bring to the world. Thank you Maria and Trina for your emails. Thank you LaBelleLumiere, Rootrootroot, & Kate Spencer for your sweet tweets!
Blessings of love and renewal to you all!
*** Namaste. Kelly Please do connect with me via: email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com voicemail: 503-583-2599 twitter: @yoginiinthehoodAsanas (postures):
Chakravakasana (table) vinyasa.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2010
Episode 18-- Give What You Need
Wednesday Jan 06, 2010
Wednesday Jan 06, 2010
Wishing you the most blessed of new years, my dears.
Thank you so much for joining me today for this podcast. This episode features a live full-length, all levels class emphasizing balance through opposition.
I am so grateful for the support you have given this podcast and me in 2009. Thank you as always for your donations, emails and reviews.
All LOVE,.
Please do connect with me via:
email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
voicemail: 503-583-2599
twitter: @yoginiinthehood
Asanas (postures):
Sukhasana (easy seat). Chakravakasana (table), Bhaktasana (devotional), Chakravakasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog).

Tuesday Dec 22, 2009
Episode 17--Ahimsa & Satya for the Holidays
Tuesday Dec 22, 2009
Tuesday Dec 22, 2009
Namaste, dears. Winter solstice is upon us. Whether this indicates the return of the light (Northern Hemisphere) or the return of the night (Southern Hemisphere) or same light (Equator), it is a wonderful time to look back at the past quarter and meditate on what you will carry forward and what you will leave behind. In my part of the world, we are in the midst of our winter holidays. This time of year can bring up many old patterns of thought and behavior as we revisit people and places. Today's class is inspired by the first of the yamas (restraints, in Sanskrit, which is the first limb of the eight-limbed path): ahimsa (non-violence) and satya (truth). This is a strong level 2 class. If you are a beginner, I suggest practicing Episode 7, 9 or 13. May your holiday be blessed with the tandem gifts of non-violence and truth, and may you be an inspiration for others to practice the same.
All love,

Wednesday Dec 16, 2009
Episode 16 : Anahata Chakra
Wednesday Dec 16, 2009
Wednesday Dec 16, 2009
Namaste, dear yogis. Thank you (thank you one million times!) for joining me today for this class. I am overjoyed to share a class focusing on our heart-center (anahata chakra) today. Our energy naturally flows to our hearts when we practice back-bends, and the added intention to open our hearts makes this an extra-juicy practice. LOVE LOVE LOVE to you for sharing in this intention. Special thanks today to Peggy. Please do connect with me via: email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com voicemail: 503-583-2599 twitter: @yoginiinthehood Blessings to you. kelly
Asana (postures):
Chakravakasana (table), Bhaktasana (devotional), Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog).