
Tuesday Dec 08, 2009
Episode 15-- Open your Heart to JOY!
Tuesday Dec 08, 2009
Tuesday Dec 08, 2009
Namaste dear ones!
Thank you so much for sharing your time with the Sunrose Yoga Podcast. I am so grateful for you and your support. This week's class focuses on the ultimate heart opening postures: back-bends. This class is the first in a two part series on back bends. Today's class emphasizes the anatomical subtleties of these postures, culminating in urdhva dhanurasana, while next week's class will turn to the energetic properties of the same postures. Backbending postures require strength in the quadriceps, shoulders and core. To create space in the low back (instead of compression), we draw the tailbone toward earth, while widening our pelvic bowl (spreading the outer thighs and sitting bones). Lift the heart, while relaxing the shoulders. Fill your heart with JOY in the postures!
With love & gratitude,
Please connect with me:
email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
phone: (503) 583-5299
twitter: @yoginiinthehood
Thank you thank you! Leslie, for the sweet review in iTunes! Amy for your donation!
Listeners, please visit The Prana Mama, a donor to this podcast.
The postures:
Easy seat, anjali mudra.
Bhaktasana (devotional pose).
Adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog) to three-legged dog.
Deep lunge.
Ardha uttanasana- uttanasana (1/2 lifts).
Anjaneyasana (crescent pose).
Bhujangasana (cobra).
Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended lateral angle).
Virabhadrasana i with garuda arms (warrior i with eagle arms).
Natarajasana (dancing Shiva).
Dhanurasana (bow).
Eka pada kapotasana (pigeon i, ii).
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge).
Urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow).
**Tip: if you are fearful about upward bow, begin by backbending over an exercise ball (photos to follow).
Happy baby.
Savasana (pose of rest).
OM! Shanti!

Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
Episode 14--Liberation!
Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
Wednesday Dec 02, 2009
Namaste dear yogis,
Thank you so much for joining me for today's podcast, a live, full-length level 2 class. This class emphasizes strengthening the shoulders and core. I hope it inspires a bit of joy in your life. YOU inspire me!!
I feel deep gratitude for each and every one of you. Thank you for your emails and donations (Maria, Amy, Nancy, Trina-- THANK you for the big LOVES). Please do connect with me by emailing sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com or by calling (503)583-2599. You can also follow me on twitter--- http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood.
Peace. & LOVE. always.
Balasana-Child's pose/ Bhaktasana-devotional;
Adho Mukha Svanasana-down dog;
3-legged dog;
1/2 lifts;
surya namaskar a;
flip-dog & vasistasana;
surya namaskar b; surya c
plank-forearm plank;
anjaneyasana namaskar (anjaney, ostrich, twist, lizard);
navasana hops;
sarvangasana; halasana; matsyasana;
dead bug;
hip rolls.
Metta meditation:
May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be free. May you be at peace. May you know love. May you be awakened to your own true nature.Namaste.

Thursday Nov 19, 2009
Episode 13-- What is REAL.
Thursday Nov 19, 2009
Thursday Nov 19, 2009
Namaste, dear yogis.
Thank you for joining me for this week's podcast, a full-length yoga class at the intersection of matter, energy & consciousness. This week's podcast is an all-levels class.
Music for the intro provided by Satya on Podsafe Audio.
Please please please get in touch. I love receiving your messages and emails. This podcast is for you, dear listeners, so let me know what you are looking for in your practice.
email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
phone message line: (503) 583-2599
please subscribe! please review me in iTunes! LOVE LOVE LOVE.
All good things,
Intention: To relieve suffering in all beings. To connect to what is real... LOVE.
om. om. om.
Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Episode 12--Deep Awareness.
Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Namaste, dear-ones.
Episode 12 focuses on cultivating awareness of the connections in our own body, so that we can tune into the connections between all beings. Allow yourself to notice your body coming into complete integration within... and without. Dedication: To the open expansion of channels connecting all beings to each other and to our true nature. Blessings. Kelly Thank you all so so much for listening and for your support. If you'd like to give me an early holiday gift, please write a review in iTunes. Share this podcast with your friends and family. Please subscribe if you haven't already. Connect with me via-- email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com voice mail: 503-583-2599 twitter: @yoginiinthehood tumblr: sunroseyoga All LOVE! Always.

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu. {May all beings everywhere be happy & free.}

Tuesday Nov 03, 2009
Episode 11: Empower yourself with LOVE
Tuesday Nov 03, 2009
Tuesday Nov 03, 2009
Hello hello, dear friends.
Thank you so much for joining me for today’s podcast.
Today’s episode features a full-length, level 2 class focusing on empowering ourselves with LOVE. Transform your fears into love and you will be blown away by what happens.
With LOVE + Gratitude, I offer this up to you.
All good things.
Thank you Travelbean for your review in iTunes. Thank you to Trina for your email & ideas for future podcasts. Thank you each and every person for listening and for sharing your magic with the world.
If you are interested in supporting this podcast, please write me a SWEET review in iTunes. It only takes a minute—tell the world what you love about it!
To connect, email me at sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com. Leave me a voicemail at 503-583-2599. Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehoodor tumblr http://sunroseyoga.tumblr.com/.
tall seat.
chakravakasana vinyasa.
3-legged dog, plank, dynamic lunge
anjaneyasana, parivrtta anjaneyasana, ostrich
virabhadrasana ii, reverse warrior, utthita parsvakonasana
dolphin, adho mukha svanasana, shift
standing split, L-pose, urdhva vrksasana
urdhva vrksasana, diamond, saddle
seal, dragonfly
om. om. om. shanti! shanti! shanti!

Thursday Oct 29, 2009
Sirsasana-headstand Video Workshop
Thursday Oct 29, 2009
Thursday Oct 29, 2009
Click here to view the headstand workshop.
Namaste Kelly email: sunroseyoga@gmail.com twitter: @yoginiinthehood tumblr: http://sunroseyoga.tumblr.com phone: (503) 583-2599 LISTEN:
Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
Video Workshop 1-- Sirsasana I
Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
Namaste, dears. Today's episode features a video workshop on headstand (Sirsasana I). This class is intended for students who have been exploring the possibility of going into headstand, but who could use a break-down of the various components. Thank you so much for joining me.
Connect with me: email me at sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com; follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood/or on tumblr http://sunroseyoga.tumblr.com/. Call our message line (we give and receive messages) 503-583-2599.
Yoga Journal outlines the many benefits of Sirsasana, including:

Wednesday Oct 21, 2009
Episode 10-- Yoga for a Good Night
Wednesday Oct 21, 2009
Wednesday Oct 21, 2009
Namaste, yogis.
Rest is an important component of our overall health. Like the breath, our sleep can be both an indicator of and a product of our present mental state. By that I mean that on one hand, an agitated mind can cause fitful sleep, and on the other hand, a night without rest can lead to agitation in the mind and body. The sequence of postures featured in this podcast invite calm, to assist in creating an environment that encourages restful sleep. You may wish to incorporate the whole sequence into your evening routine, or just a few of the poses that most assist you in transitioning from wakefulness to sleep.
This podcast features podsafe music by Seruiqam and The Eternal via Podsafe Audio.
Thank you all so much for listening.
Please do get in touch: email me at sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com, follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood, or follow me on tumblr at http://sunroseyoga.tumblr.com/. Tell me your story.
Much gratitude to those of you who have donated to this podcast.
My heart is open to you.
peace. & LOVE. always.
viparita karani
supta baddhakonasana
savasana. rest. rest. rest.

Saturday Oct 17, 2009
Episode 9: Beautiful Morning
Saturday Oct 17, 2009
Saturday Oct 17, 2009
Namaste, Dears.
Today's podcast features a 30 minute yoga class intended to begin your day with ease & calm. Our intention is to remain with the present rather than jumping ahead to our to-do list. Thank you for joining us in this practice.
Thank you for your emails. Contact me via email: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com. Also, a wonderful gift would be a few sweet comments in iTunes-- thank you thankyou!
All good things,
adho mukha svanasana
cowgirl squat
paripurna navasana
parivrtta anjaneyasana
vira 1
reverse warrior
ardha matsyendrasana
sit. thank you. breathe.

Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Episode 8-- Make fire & let go.
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Namaste my dears,
Today's episode features a live recording of my Monday afternoon flow class. This class is a strong level 2 and focuses on the Manipura Chakra (solar plexus, seat of power). The point of building heat and fostering strength in this practice is to let go of thoughts that interfere with our return to the divine. Focus your attention on the process, rather than the "product". Feel prana penetrating each cell of the body. Let go of what you do not need, and let your divine nature shine.
Begin in child's pose (balasana). (My recording began after we already assumed child's pose.)
Thank you so so much for your support.
Thank you Miss Sara & Miss Amy for your sweet support!
Email me: sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood/.
Music in this podcast is provided by Seruiqam.