
Thursday Oct 01, 2009
Episode 7-- Do less. Be more.
Thursday Oct 01, 2009
Thursday Oct 01, 2009
Namaste, dear yogis.
Today's episode features a live, full-length class geared toward dahrana, or one-pointed concentration. Dahrana is the sixth limb of Raja yoga, as described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The Sutras describe Dharana as follows: Concentration locks consciousness on a single point.
It is this single-pointed focus that is the first step of meditation, and a key ingredient to the inner practice of yoga and the ultimate liberation from suffering, which is our aim. Instead of multi-tasking like your trusty computer, let your focus be with this practice completely. It could change your life forever.
Thank you so so much for tuning in or checking in with the podcast. I am deeply grateful for your support.
All good things,
sunroseyogapodcast {at} gmail {dot} com

Tuesday Sep 22, 2009
Episode 6: Sweetness
Tuesday Sep 22, 2009
Tuesday Sep 22, 2009
Short & sweet.
35 minute class imbued with sweetness + light. for you.
All love.
Download this podcast here.
or just listen here.
chakravakasana-adho mukha svanasana - 3 leg dog.
surya namaskar a.
surya namaskar b.
surya namaskar c.
-vira 1.
-vira 2.
-reverse warrior.
-utthita parsvottanasana {variation}.
sarvangasana-halasana-matsyasana-reclined upavista-happy baby.
View photos larger right here.
Peace. & LOVE. Always.
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Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Episode5: Puraka Pranayama
Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Thursday Sep 10, 2009
Namaste, dear ones. Today's class features instruction in Puraka, a pranayama technique that focuses on the inhalation. This practice is quite gentle and requires no forcing or holding of the breath. Thank you so much for listening. Jai Ma! Kelly

Friday Sep 04, 2009
Episode 4: Yang, then Yin.
Friday Sep 04, 2009
Friday Sep 04, 2009
Namaste, dears. Today's podcast features a full-length level 2 yoga class. The class begins with a warming yang practice and moves into a therapeutic yin practice. Thank you so much for listening. Email me any questions or comments at sunroseyoga {at} gmail {dot} com. Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/yoginiinthehood. Namaste.

Friday Aug 14, 2009
Episode 3: The Infinite Breath of Life
Friday Aug 14, 2009
Friday Aug 14, 2009
Namaste, dear yogis. Sunrose Yoga Podcast is back with episode 3. Today's episode features a full-length yoga class, deep relaxation, and short chant. This class is inspired by the following sutra: Yoga Sutras II: 47-48 The means of perfecting the [yoga] posture is that of relaxing or loosening of effort, and allowing attention to merge with endlessness, or the infinite. (prayatna shaithilya ananta samapattibhyam). From the attainment of that perfected posture, there arises an unassailable, unimpeded freedom from suffering due to the pairs of opposites (such as heat and cold, good and bad, or pain and pleasure).(tatah dvandva anabhighata) Asanas {postures}: Chakravakasana Adho Mukha Svanasana 3-legged dog Uttanasana Half-way lift Surya Namaskar A {Sun Salutation A} Utkatasana Surya Namaskar B {adds virabhadrasana 1/warrior 1} Vasistasana {side plank} Surya Namaskar C {adds vira 2, trikonasana, utthita parsvakonasana} Bhaktasana {devotional} Anjaneyasana {low crescent}, Parivrtta anajaneyasana {twisted crescent}, Lizard Natarajasana {dancing shiva-cosmic dancer} Janu sirsasana, ardha matsyendrasana Sarvangasana, halasana, matsyasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, urdhva dhanurasana Happy baby, apanasana, jathara parivartanasana, savasana. Chant: Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu. {May all beings be happy & free.} Thank you so much for listening. Namaste. K

Friday Jul 03, 2009
Episode 2: Third Eye.
Friday Jul 03, 2009
Friday Jul 03, 2009
Episode 2 features a full-length class focusing on the third eye or ajna chakra. This chakra is also known as the jnana padma (wisdom-bestowing lotus) chakra. It is closely connected to Shiva, and you may notice that drawings and paintings of Shiva show a marking on his third eye. Thank you so much for listening. Namaste.