
Thursday May 14, 2015
Episode 142// Human Suffering Explained by the Yoga Sutras
Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015

Tuesday May 12, 2015

Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
Episode 141// The Universe Inside: with Special Guest Johanna Beekman
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015

Wednesday Apr 22, 2015

Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
Episode 140// Sound Bath Soothe Session
Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
Hi Sweetest-hearts,
Sending you LOVE. So happy to be together here. Thank you. Always thank you.
Episode 140 of Samadhi Rush is a 15 minute savasana with sound bath. It makes for a super soothe session. If you are feeling depleted or like you need a nap, but don't have tons of time, try this. It is especially powerful with headphones (so you could close your office door and do this practice over your lunch-break at work).
I hope you love it.
I'm putting together a special series for the podcast right now that I cannot wait to share with you. Stay tuned for something new & exciting!
Many thanks to those of you who contribute to the podcast. You make this magic possible. Every contribution I receive pays for the web site, podcast hosting, microphones, and digital recorder. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. LOVE.
If you can't contribute a dollar amount, would you please consider sharing the podcast with your friends on social media or rating and reviewing the show in iTunes? It helps people find us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you for the sweetest emails in the world, dear friends.
I LOVE hearing from you. I LOVE YOU.
We are a family! Keep ‘em coming.
How to connect:
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the podcast! You make this possible!
If you enjoy this podcast, please consider donating via paypal by clicking here. SO much gratitude.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Episode 139// Alive in the City of Jewels
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
SO happy to be here together. Thank you (always & forever) for sharing your practice. This episode features a 75 minute class I taught as part of Happy Mindful People's Chakra-Balancing Series. This class focuses on the Manipura Chakra. It is a little spicy! I hope you enjoy it.
A little about Chakras
Chakras (ch sounds like the ch in cherry, not sh) are part of the subtle body anatomy. Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit and refers to energy wheels or vortexes in the body along the length of the spine or central channel (sushumna in Sanskrit). The idea is that when the chakras are spinning like they ought to, we are flowing in all aspects, the central channel is clear and we may experience the serpent of kundalini rising up that channel. (See, this is the super- nutshell version. For a more thorough introduction read this.)
Manipura chakra, "city of jewels" in Sanskrit, corresponds in the physical bod with the solar plexus. This chakra relates to our sense of self, the truth we know in our gut, or true heart. If we are out of balance here, we equate our self with the duties, jobs and roles we play in our physical lives. Manipura invites us to see the self as the light, love and aliveness beyond those limited roles. When we align with the LOVE that is at our core, we realize the power of manipura.
This chakra is associated with the sense of sight, the element of fire, the Ram and (conveniently for our memory), the sound of RAM (pronounced ruhm).
Thank you for the sweetest emails in the world, dear friends.
I LOVE hearing from you. I LOVE YOU.
We are a family! Keep ‘em coming.
How to connect:
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the podcast! You make this possible!
If you enjoy this podcast, please consider donating via paypal by clicking here . Thank you. HEART.
- My yoga class videos on Yoga Anytime are LIVE! Please join me there for some sweet practices. To receive 30 days of free yoga at Yoga Anytime, please use the code 6525YAE when you sign up.
- In April and May, I am hosting Self-Love Fridays here in Portland, Oregon. The gatherings will include ease-filled yoga, tea and a smorgesboard of self-care practices to incorporate into your daily life (self-massage, acupressure, sound healing and more). Self-Love Fridays will be held at the movement studio at Be Nourished. (3719 N Williams). Drop-in is $12, or $80 for the entire 8-session series (no class May 15). Learn more here. //

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015

Wednesday Mar 18, 2015